Archiv der Kategorie: iOS Apps


App icon ScientistS is an easy to use search-for-scientists app. It can be used to search scientists or other people. The app combines:
– searches on google for websites and images,
– a search for papers and other publications on google scholar and
– searches for a person on facebook and twitter.

The app can save found links of a person. The person entry can then be copied to your iPhone’s address book.

App icon The online information system of offers the opportunity to get information about reliable partners. All members of the cluster are sorted by business lines. Their competences and products are clearly presented and easily accessible by full-text search function.


App icon iBubbles is a Math-Trainer especially developed and designed for kids from about 6 to 10. Simple multiplication (all tables up to ten) can be exercised in a playful way. Kids can choose between a trainingsmode and a quizmode. During the training there is no time pressure. To enhance the learning effect the player can guess several times until the right answer was chosen. In the quizmode the tasks should be solved as fast as possible to gain maximal points and to show up in the highscore. iBubbles is suitable for beginners as well as for advanced players as there are different difficulty levels selectable.


App icon GeoQuizAustria is a learning game for children. This game should give them a playful and easy access to geography. With the playful character of this game the children do not loose the desire of learning austrian geography. In the game it is possible to take a joker, which give you tips to current places. This tips will help the children to find the different places and they also will give them additional information to this places.


App icon The eAppSuite is a collection of several helpful tools, used in the fields of electrical engeneering. They make it easier to undestand the basics of electronics. People, working on this topic, are enabled to quickly calculate electrical circuits, create own resistor networks, display formulas according to the circuit, etc. These tools are listed in the main menu. The list of tools is expandible and will be updated in further versions. One major advantage of the eAppSuite is, that many tools are included in one application. So switching between tools is very easy and quick.


App icon Mit dem TUGRaumplan ist es möglich, alle Hörsäle der TU Graz sowie Seminarräume, Laborräume, Bibliotheken, etc. zu finden. Wenn man einen gesuchten Raum gefunden hat, kann man sich ihn auf einer Übersichtskarte und einem genauen Gebäudeplan ansehen. Das alles geschieht offline – und funktioniert somit überall. Die Raumdaten stammen aus TUGRAZonline, dem Campus Management System der TU Graz.