The MatheMemory App allows children to start learning mathematic playfully. Behind the memory cards with funny motifs hide tricky plus and minus calculations and results. The Goal is to find the right results to the according calculations. Different stages provide different levels of difficulty and balloons signal the number of cards. Both can be easily selected. Wether in the jungle or in the circus, nothing is blocking the funny calculating! Depending on the level, the numbers are between 0 and 50. Addition and subtraction are used. Finding the right calculation and result pairs is rewarded with funny motifs and sounds and thus positive associated.
Archiv für den Monat: Januar 2012
Futurezone: Tablets statt Schulbücher
Im Zuge der Ankündigung der Fa. Apple am Schulbuchmarkt tätig zu werden und unter anderem auch iBooks Author zur Verfügung zu stellen, wurden wir auch gefragt wie wir die Lage einschätzen. Der Bericht ist hier auf der futurezone zugänglich [Link].
[1×1 Trainer] Android Applikation
Die schriftliche Ausarbeitung von Katrin über die Android-Applikation ist nun verfügbar.
[iPad in School] Make folders for different subjects
To keep track of your apps you can make folders, e.g. for every subject.
If you press and hold one of the apps they all start to shake. Now you can drag one app on top of another. Those two will be in the same folder which you can give a name now. Other apps can be added by dragging them on top of the particular folder.
While your apps are shaking you can also rearrange their order, delete them by pressing the ‘x’ in the corner and move them to a different homescreen. Press the home button when you are done.