Erasmus TU is the perfect app for all new international students at TU Graz. Find all the basic information about paper work, university and free time! Insert your country of origin and the length of your stay to get a personalized Must Do List with all the paper work you need to do and a complete explanation of when/where/how to do it. Visa, Meldezettel… everything explained in an easy check list! You can also get the basic information about the university thanks to our TU guide. Campus and international office information, how to register for the courses and more is available in Erasmus TU. Also, useful information about your stay is available. This includes how to find accommodation, which bank or phone company to choose… A good international experience is also based on how you spend your free time. With Erasmus TU you can find information about restaurants, bars, sports… No matter which program you are following or how long you are staying in Graz, this app is for you!
Schlagwort-Archive: TU Graz
[präsentation] iTunesU @ Technische Universität Graz
Im Rahmen einer Präsentation bei Apple Vienna hab ich über die iTunesU Aktivitäten der TU Graz berichtet und dabei auch die entwickelten Learning Apps dargestellt. Hier sind die zugehörigen Vortragsfolien:
iTunesU @ Technische Universität Graz
View more presentations from Martin Ebner