My iPark provides easy access to any available parking slots within Graz and surrounding. The underlying data is based on Open Data from the City of Graz.
Your current position will be displayed on a map next to the parking places. This way it can be assured, that someone will find the fastest way to a given place. However, if the user does not want to do it on its own, the app has a built-in function, which calculates the shortest route. The detail view of a selected place will display a satellite view and any given additional info like price or opening hours. Furthermore, the user has the possibility to search for a specific place. Filtering is done by location, type or name.
Schlagwort-Archive: Graz
[workshop] 1×1 Trainer
An der PH Graz fand die Veranstaltung iPad & Co statt. Dort konnte ich in einem Workshop den 1×1-Trainer vorstellen und erklären, wie der Algorithmus in Hintergrund funktioniert.
Wie immer freuen wir uns, wenn auch weitere Personen sich finden, die den 1×1-Trainer im Unterricht einsetzen wollen – bitte einfach ein kurzes E-Mail an