1×1 Trainer als netidee-Projekt

Der von uns entwickelte 1×1-Trainer wurde am Donnerstag in Wien im Rahmen der netidee 2011 präsentiert. Das Projekt ist eines der besten 10 Projekte und wird somit im Rahmen der netidee 2011 gefördert. Durch die Förderung ist die Weiterentwicklung sichergestellt. Der 1×1-Trainer wird um eine Statistikanalyse erweitert und soll allen Schulen zugänglich gemacht werden. Den kompletten Bericht zu den netidee Präsentationen findet ihr auf futurezone.at.


App icon SnailWrite is an educational game, the easier it is to children in early elementary school age to learn reading and writing. It will be developed here is in compliance in four different modes with different difficulty levels and different words visually processed. According to different principles appropriate child-friendly learning materials can be playfully. The four modes of play include, among other things, learning the words to the Hangman principle, as well as associating images to words and letters of the successive letters of a word.

Zukunft der Lehrbücher also Open Eudcational Resource (L3T)

App icon The app consits of slides of a talk given in June 2011 in Berlin. Mainly we were talking about ebooks in general and how lecture notes developing in future bearing in mind the OER-movement. As example L3T (free available textbook on technology enhanced learning) and all furhter activities are shown. Pictures as well as some Videos are part of the presentation and app.
Created using PadMan – InDesign in. Apps out. (www.padman.io)


App icon The 1×1 Trainer is a learning game for children who are trying to master the tables up to ten. There are two ways to play: The Trainer, where you need to create an account to play and all your learning progress will be saved online for you to keep track. The Speedgame, where you just play a simple 1×1-Game with a time-limit depending on the chosen difficulty and try to answer as many of the 20 presented examples as possible. The better you perform, the higher your Score will be. This App provides a nice and fun learning experience, motivating the children to improve their abilities and keeping frustration to a minimum! Have Fun!


App icon You are looking for information about fire fighters – than that’s your app! You are searching for new information about fire mission or events in your surrounding area? Download this app!
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App icon Today buildings, structures and machines are almost always designed by computer-generated diagrams of internal forces. One of the skills required by an engineer is to verify the results of an analysis and to spot internal force diagrams that can not be right. This is why the „Schnittkraftmeister“ was conceived: Students get an idea of internal force diagrams by playful learning. Given is a structure under a static external load. Three different solutions for the diagram of internal forces are shown, but only one is correct. The faster the correct answer is chosen the more points are given. Be careful, when choosing a wrong solution, the game is over and all points for the current level are lost! This serious game is for persons, who have a basic knowledge in structural analysis and of external and internal forces in structures. The target audience are aspiring civil or mechanical engineers.


App icon Having one’s finger on the pulse of drug development – with the RCPE App. We make tomorrow’s drugs possible – and provide you with current information. News, jobs, press review and the most important information about our company at a glance.