Archiv der Kategorie: iOS Apps


App icon You are looking for information about fire fighters – than that’s your app! You are searching for new information about fire mission or events in your surrounding area? Download this app!
+ information from the counties
+ information from the fire fighter head quarter
+ create reports and share them by twitter, facebook …


App icon Today buildings, structures and machines are almost always designed by computer-generated diagrams of internal forces. One of the skills required by an engineer is to verify the results of an analysis and to spot internal force diagrams that can not be right. This is why the „Schnittkraftmeister“ was conceived: Students get an idea of internal force diagrams by playful learning. Given is a structure under a static external load. Three different solutions for the diagram of internal forces are shown, but only one is correct. The faster the correct answer is chosen the more points are given. Be careful, when choosing a wrong solution, the game is over and all points for the current level are lost! This serious game is for persons, who have a basic knowledge in structural analysis and of external and internal forces in structures. The target audience are aspiring civil or mechanical engineers.


App icon Having one’s finger on the pulse of drug development – with the RCPE App. We make tomorrow’s drugs possible – and provide you with current information. News, jobs, press review and the most important information about our company at a glance.

TU Graz Search

App icon
TU Graz Search enables you to quickly search and find the most important information at Graz University of Technology. This search app includes the following categories:

• people,
• lecture halls and rooms,
• departments and service units,
• lectures,
• exams,
• research publications,
• library catalogue,
• events,
• news (RSS feeds), and
• web-sites.

Moreover, it is possible to add people to contacts on you iOS device to contact them directly. This app requires a connection to the Internet. You can access similar functionality with your web browser at


App icon Tired of hopping around between websites checking what’s new? Indicate brings it all together in one place. Set up your favourite websites and upon a single tap Indicate will gather new stuff from these websites and convert it into a newspaper style print layout. The technology behind it is called RSS and is available all over the web.

– Enriched with cover pictures
– Organize websites in Categories
– Read full articles directly within the app
– Open articles and links in Safari
– Organize your newspapers in the archive
– Choose from a collection of preset websites
– Browse for new websites within the app


App icon The iOJS app allows the user to store his favorite OJS journals into his iPhone. The user can then browser through all the issues and articles published by the journal, and download the attached files to directly read them on his iPhone. Furthermore, it is possible to directly send comments on articles to the server, if the user has a valid registration on the OJS server.