Schlagwort-Archive: ipad

[iphone] MatheBingo

Es freut uns sehr, dass die App MatheBingo für iOS-Geräte nun endlich im App-Store ist. War letztendlich doch nicht ganz so einfach. Aber worum geht es? Wie der Name sagt um klassisches Bingo, nur geben wir anstatt einer Zahl einfach eine einfach Addition im gewünschten Zahlenraum (bis 100) vor. Das interessante und neue ist jetzt, dass man bis zu vier Geräte mit einem „Tisch“ verbinden kann.
Also mehrere Kinder an einem Tisch, die kollaborativ zusammenarbeiten können und so eine Unterstützung beim Erlernen erhalten sollen. Wir würden uns auch sehr freuen, wenn jemand Interesse hat an einem kleinen Forschungsprojekt mitzuarbeiten und mit uns die App im Klassenzimmer zur Anwendung bringt. Einfach melden unter

Dieses App ist ein Lernspiel für Kinder, die gerade das Addieren und Subtrahieren lernen.
Es ist ein klassisches Bingo, wobei hier nicht die Zahlen gezogen werden, sondern selbst berechnet werden müssen.
Um es spielen zu können, muss es mindestens auf zwei Geräte installiert werden. Ein Gerät dient als Spieltisch auf dem die Rechenaufgaben gestellt werden. Auf dem zweiten Gerät wählt man die Bingo-Karte aus. Hier werden nun die errechneten Lösungen mittels Touch auf den Apfel eingegeben. Ist das Ergebnis richtig, verfärbt sich der Apfel rot, bei falscher Ergebnis wird er braun.
Ziel ist es, wie auch bei Bingo, vier richtige Lösungen in einer Reihe zu haben.

Hier gibt es ein kurzes Video wo erklärt wird, wie die Devices verbunden werden:

[Link zur App]

[ipad] book: iPads in the Classroom

The second volume of our book series „Internet-Technology and Society“ (ITuG) is now published. It’s about our experiences with the use of iPads in classrooms. Sabrina’s master thesis with the title „iPads in the Classroom“ is now online available.


The current media landscape is changing and growing at a fast pace which is increasingly affecting the school sector. Numerous schools all over the world have already focused on the value added to lessons by tablet computers, such as Apple’s iPad. A myriad of learning applications and ways to transfer subject matters are provided on and through such devices. However, at the present time, there is little experience with respect to the didactically reasonable inclusion of tablets in schools. Therefore, the motivation of this book, which is based on a diploma thesis, is to provide a general overview of the didactical integration of tablets, in this case, Apple’s iPad. Within a field experiment educational apps are being tested and evaluated according to the Austrian curriculum for foreign languages as well as iOS Human Interface Guidelines that focus on user interface and user experience

The book is published by our partner Book-on-Demand.

Reference: Huber, S. (2012) iPads in the Classroom, Ebner, M. & Schön, S. (ed.), Internet-Technology and Society, Volume 2, Book on Demand, Norderstedt

[iPad in School] TeacherPal – We get ourselves organised!

What’s the best way for teachers to get organised on the iPad? A tool to track students’ grades, cooperation, attendance and behaviour is needed.

I discovered a free app called TeacherPal that enables all those functions. It has a very straightforward user interface and a great deal of options to organise classes and students.

Even if you are terrible at remembering names this app will help you to improve quickly. I took a photo of each student, added names and the respective number of the iPad so students always got the same device.

If you have a special seating plan you can arrange the pictures according to it. Further, you can send emails to all students (and/or parents), make general notes, access and modify files in your Dropbox and add gradable items. The latter automatically calculates grades (if you add a max. grad and its weight).

TeacherPal by ITWorx in the App Store

[iPad in School] Annotating PDFs

neu.Annotate PDF

Since I think handwriting should not be underestimated and encourages hand-eye coordination, I downloaded a free app called neu.Annotate PDF. It allows handwritten annotations as well as typed text. Further, pages can be mailed as PNG, JPG and PDF, saved to photos and opened in Dropbox, iBooks, Adobe Reader etc. Shapes and highlighters, wrist protection, the ability to delete pages, insert pictures or new pages leaves little to be desired. Only the button to increase the width (of lines, fill or text) and change the colour was difficult to find for students (it appears when you click on one of the pens).

Link to app
by neu.Pen LLC

[iPad in School] File sharing with Dropbox

Dropbox – synchronised file sharing across many operating systems

I used one Dropbox account for both classes. The free 2GB account was enough to share pictures, slides, audio files and documents. However, I encountered two problems:

1) You can’t upload your files from apps like Pages, Numbers or Keynote without WebDAV, which provides a framework to change and move documents on a server. Here is a short and simple guide that shows you how to use your Dropbox account as a WebDAV: WebDAV guide

2) I had expected Dropbox to be more intuitive for students than it actually was. Very often they did not know where they were because they overlooked the back button in the upper left corner.

When they felt more comfortable with Dropbox, I uploaded instructions for some lessons so students were encouraged to learn at their own pace. I could help those who needed more explanations while others successfully completed one task after another.

[iPad in School] Equipment

Technical details


Is an iPad enough?

The first lessons were taught only with the aid of iPads… no blackboard, no whiteboard, no projector. However, this is not enough since students were unable to cope with all the instructions. Although they had them on their iPads (on their Dropbox-Account, which I will write about later), most of the students had problems finding them. When I started working with a projector, the amount of explanations could be strikingly decreased. I would always make sure to be in a room with a projectoror smart board, especially when something new is explained. Students, particularly the younger ones, need a lot of help when it comes to new applications. Very often symbols in various apps were not intuitive enough for them.

Make sure you have a VGA adapter for your projector.

For individual listening comprehensions you have to provide students with earplugs (those with standard jack plugs are fine), otherwise it gets much too loud in class. Most of the students have MP3-Players so you can tell them to take their own earplugs.

When I did listening comprehensions for the whole class I used my mini-loudspeakers (very flexible). I bought them for my MP3 player once (for about 10 Euros) – again, they have a standard jack plug).